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George C., III Edwards - On Deaf Ears : The Limits of the Bully Pulpit ebook DJV, TXT, PDF


American presidents often engage in intensive campaigns to obtain public support for their policy initiatives. This core strategy for governing is based on the premise that if presidents are skilled enough to exploit the "bully pulpit," they can successfully persuade or even mobilize public opinion on behalf of their legislative goals. In this book, George Edwards analyzes the results of hundreds of public opinion polls from recent presidencies to assess the success of these efforts. Surprisingly, he finds that presidents typically are not able to change public opinion; even great communicators usually fail to obtain the public's support for their high-priority initiatives. Focusing on presidents' personae, their messages, and the American public, he explains why presidents are often unable to move public opinion and suggests that their efforts to do so may be counterproductive. Edwards argues that shoring up previously existing support is the principal benefit of going public and that "staying private"--negotiating quietly with elites-may often be more conducive to a president's legislative success., The typical legislative strategy for presidents has been to move Congress by winning public support. This book analyses hundreds of public opinion polls, and finds that this strategy usually fails. It explains why presidents are frequently unable to move public opinion, and suggests that they should use other means to achieve legislative success., The typical legislative strategy for recent presidents has been to move Congress by winning public support. George Edwards analyzes hundreds of public opinion polls and finds that this strategy usually fails. He explains why presidents are frequently unable to move public opinion and suggests they use other means to achieve legislative success. "That presidents use the bully pulpit to exert influence in Washington is a truism of American Politics. What Edwards finds in this remarkable book is that the truism isn t true, that presidentseven those at the top of their formpersistently fail to move public sentiment in preferred directions."James A. Stimson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Every serious scholar and student of American politics should read this book."Robert Y. Shapiro, Columbia University "Edwards has done it again A bold, direct, convincing challenge to 30 years of literature."-Richard E. Neustadt, author of "Presidential Power ""

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