Ebook Ecology of Aquatic Systems in PDF, MOBI, TXT


Aquatic systems exhibit incredible diversity - from mountain streams to deep oceans, from lakes and ponds to the estuaries that link river and sea. Despite their distinct characters, however, these systems share common properties and, at the level of ecology, are not all that different afterall. But how can this be?Ecology of Aquatic Systems brings together coverage of freshwater and marine systems to illustrate the principles and properties that unify aquatic systems. Using examples drawn from a wide geographical range, the book presents a broad survey of the field that acts as the ideal foundation forfurther study.Opening with a review of the different types of aquatic system and their interconnected nature, and the diversity of life within aquatic systems, the book goes on to explore the key types of aquatic habitat, emphasising the ecological themes that pervade each system.Written with students in the centre of the frame, Ecology of Aquatic Systems retains the succinct, lucid style for which the first edition was praised, and includes cross-references throughout, a substantial glossary, and extensive index, to help readers engage with, and fully understand, thematerial presented.With the global importance of aquatic systems becoming more apparent - and the need for effective management of these systems becoming increasingly clear - there has never been a more important time for students to fully grasp the fundamentals of aquatic systems. Ecology of Aquatic Systems is theideal course companion to achieve this goal.Online Resource Centre:The Online Resource Centre features:For registered adopters of the text:- Figures from the book in electronic format, ready to download;- A testbank of multiple-choice questions, for use in formative or summative assessmentFor students:- Hyperlinks to literature articles cited in the text, Ecology of Aquatic Systems brings together coverage of freshwater and marine systems to illustrate the principles and properties that unify aquatic systems. Using examples drawn from a wide geographical range, the book presents a broad survey of the field that acts as the ideal foundation for further study.Opening with a review of the different types of aquatic system and their interconnected nature, and the diversity of life withinaquatic systems, the book goes on to explore the key types of aquatic habitat, emphasising the ecological themes that pervade each system.Written with students in the centre of the frame, Ecology of Aquatic Systems retains the succinct, lucid style for which the first edition waspraised, and includes cross-references throughout, a substantial glossary, and extensive index, to help readers engage with, and fully understand, the material presented., This book provides an introduction to the diversity of aquatic environments and moves away from the traditional split between marine and freshwater systems, emphasising their common features and ecological similarities., With the global importance of aquatic systems becoming more apparent--and the need for effective management of these systems becoming increasingly clear--there has never been a more important time for students to fully grasp the fundamentals of aquatic systems. Ecology of Aquatic Systems is the ideal course companion to achieve this goal. This new edition brings together coverage of freshwater and marine systems to illustrate the principles and properties that unify aquatic systems. Using examples drawn from a wide geographical range, the book presents a broad survey of the field that acts as the ideal foundation for further study. Opening with a review of the different types of aquatic systems, their interconnected nature, and the diversity of life within them, the book goes on to explore the key types of aquatic habitats, emphasizing the ecological themes that pervade each system. Written with students in mind, Ecology of Aquatic Systems retains the succinct, lucid style for which the first edition was praised. It includes cross-references throughout, a substantial glossary, and extensive index to help readers engage with, and fully understand, the material presented. New to this edition- Enhanced coverage of coral reefs, salt lakes, mangroves, and salt marshes- New two-color text design, with revised two-color figures- New testbank of multiple-choice questions- Updated Online Resource Centre includes figures from the book in electronic format and a testbank of multiple-choice questions for instructors, and hyperlinks to literature articles cited in the text for students

Download book Michael Dobson - Ecology of Aquatic Systems MOBI, TXT, DJV

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