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Published for the American Educational Research Association by Routledge. This volume presents the findings and recommendations of the American Educational Research Association's (AERA) Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE) and offers new directions for research and practice. By commissioning an independent group of scholars of diverse perspectives and voices to investigate major issues hindering the education of Black people in the U.S., other Diaspora contexts, and Africa, the AERA sought to place issues of Black education and research practice in the forefront of the agenda of the scholarly community. An unprecedented critical challenge to orthodox thinking, this book makes an epistemological break with mainstream scholarship. Contributors present research on proven solutions--best practices--that prepare Black students and others to achieve at high levels of academic excellence and to be agents of their own socioeconomic and cultural transformation. These analyses and empirical findings also link the crisis in Black education to embedded ideological biases in research and the system of thought that often justifies the abject state of Black education. Written for both a scholarly and a general audience, this book demonstrates a transformative role for research and a positive role for culture in learning, in the academy, and in community and cross-national contexts. Volume editor Joyce E. King is the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair of Urban Teaching, Learning and Leadership at Georgia State University and was chair of CORIBE. Additional Resources Black Education [CD-ROM] Research and Best Practices 1999-2001 Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University Informed by diverse perspectives and voices of leading researchers, teacher educators and classroom teachers, this rich, interactive CD-ROM contains an archive of the empirical findings, recommendations, and best practices assembled by the Commission on Research in Black Education. Dynamic multi-media presentations document concrete examples of transformative practice that prepare Black students and others to achieve academic and cultural excellence. This CD-ROM was produced with a grant from the SOROS Foundation, Open Society Institute. 0-8058-5564-5 [CD-ROM] / 2005 / Free Upon Request A Detroit Conversation [Video] Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University In this 20-minute video-documentary a diverse panel of educators--teachers, administrators, professors, a "reform" Board member, and parent and community activists--engage in a "no holds barred" conversation about testing, teacher preparation, and what is and is not working in Detroit schools, including a school for pregnant and parenting teens and Timbuktu Academy. Concrete suggestions for research and practice are offered. 0-8058-5625-0 [Video] / 2005 / $10.00 A Charge to Keep [Video] The Findings and Recommendations of te AERA Commission on Research in Black Education Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University This 50-minute video documents the findings and recommendations of the Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE), including exemplary educational approaches that CORIBE identified, cameo commentaries by Lisa Delpit, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Kathy Au, Donna Gollnick, Adelaide L. Sanford, Asa Hilliard, Edmund Gordon and others, and an extended interview with Sylvia Wynter. 0-8058-5626-9 [Video] / 2005 / $10.00, This volume presents the findings and recommendations of the American Educational Research Association's (AERA) Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE) and offers new directions for research and practice. By commissioning an independent group of scholars of diverse perspectives and voices to investigate major issues hindering the education of Black people in the U.S., other Diaspora contexts, and Africa, the AERA sought to place issues of Black education and research practice in the forefront of the agenda of the scholarly community. An unprecedented critical challenge to orthodox thinking, this book makes an epistemological break with mainstream scholarship. Contributors present research on proven solutions--best practices--that prepare Black students and others to achieve at high levels of academic excellence and to be agents of their own socioeconomic and cultural transformation. These analyses and empirical findings also link the crisis in Black education to embedded ideological biases in research and the system of thought that often justifies the abject state of Black education. Written for both a scholarly and a general audience, this book demonstrates a transformative role for research and a positive role for culture in learning, in the academy, and in community and cross-national contexts. Volume editor Joyce E. King is the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair of Urban Teaching, Learning and Leadership at Georgia State University and was chair of CORIBE. Additional Resources Black Education [CD-ROM] Research and Best Practices 1999-2001 Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University Informed by diverse perspectives and voices of leading researchers, teacher educators and classroom teachers, this rich, interactive CD-ROM contains an archive of the empirical findings, recommendations, and best practices assembled by the Commission on Research in Black Education. Dynamic multi-media presentations document concrete examples of transformative practice that prepare Black students and others to achieve academic and cultural excellence. This CD-ROM was produced with a grant from the SOROS Foundation, Open Society Institute. 0-8058-5564-5 [CD-ROM] / 2005 / Free Upon Request A Detroit Conversation [Video] Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University In this 20-minute video-documentary a diverse panel of educators--teachers, administrators, professors, a "reform" Board member, and parent and community activists--engage in a "no holds barred" conversation about testing, teacher preparation, and what is and is not working in Detroit schools, including a school for pregnant and parenting teens and Timbuktu Academy. Concrete suggestions for research and practice are offered. 0-8058-5625-0 [Video] / 2005 / $10.00 A Charge to Keep [Video] The Findings and Recommendations of te AERA Commission on Research in Black Education Edited by Joyce E. King Georgia State University This 50-minute video documents the findings and recommendations of the Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE), including exemplary educational approaches that CORIBE identified, cameo commentaries by Lisa Delpit, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Kathy Au, Donna Gollnick, Adelaide L. Sanford, Asa Hilliard, Edmund Gordon and others, and an extended interview with Sylvia Wynter. 0-8058-5626-9 [Video] / 2005 / $10.00

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